Discovering intimacy with God beneath the surface.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Secret to Not Letting Your Emotions Control You.

You cannot live your life based on your fears and emotions.

Emotions have their place and can be wonderful. And I understand they are necessary for development and enjoyment in life. But I'm the kind of person that is greatly affected by my own emotions. I'll make decisions, sometimes subconsciously, merely on how I feel in a moment. I'll say things I regret just because, in that, it was so connected to my feelings. We have to take time to step away from what's going on and breathe. Step away and pray. Step away and ask the Holy Spirit to take over. My prayer has become one of asking the Holy Spirit to control me and not my emotions and fears.

The Holy Spirit is an incredibly powerful being. The most powerful source you will ever have the ability to access in your life as Christian. No situation is too messy for Him to enter. No emotion too ridiculous.

Emotions come and go. The Holy Spirit is constant. Highs and lows are a fact of life, but you and only you can choose what will control you. Do you want your fears and emotions from every little thing controlling your life? That's a rollercoaster you don't want to be on.

Every single time I feel overwhelmed with negative emotions, I take them to Jesus, and ask the Holy Spirit to take control. There is an immediate peace that comes over me. An undeniable power rushes in and takes over. I feel the burden lift and His presence consume me. Have my circumstances changed? No, but I have shifted the control. Fear and emotions have no power over me when I invite the Holy Spirit to come into my situation.

The secret to not letting your emotions and fears control your life is simple:

Whenever you feel overwhelmed by emotions, ask the Holy Spirit to take over. This will take practice. It doesn't come to us naturally, but as we seek the help of the Father and the Holy Spirit to control our lives, we will begin to have a newfound peace for each new day and circumstances that arise.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you." (Acts 1:8a)


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